When making application for leave to entre or remain, applicant must produce specified documentary evidence that prescribed minimum gross annual income is available. To satisfy this the applicant must meet the level of financial requirement applicable to applicant and the permitted source of that income or saving and the time period in accordance with the immigration rules, all this must be supported by documentary evidence. Off course not all financial resources count excepts as follows. (a) Income of the partner from specified employment or self-employment, this can include specified employment or self-employment overseas and in the UK in respect of partner returning to the UK with applicant

(a) Income of the partner from specified employment or self-employment, this can include specified employment or self-employment overseas and in the UK in respect of partner returning to the UK with applicant.

(b) Specified pension income of the applicant and partner

(c) Any specified maternity allowance or bereavement benefits received by partner in the UK.

(d) Other specified income of the applicant and partner.

(e) Specified saving of the applicant and partner.

website; ww.kashlegalservices.co.uk Tel 01143279654; Email info@kashlegalervices.co.uk

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